Tommy Heavenly 6 [Heavy Starry Chain]

Posted On February 21, 2007

Filed under New Releases, Tommy Heavenly 6

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 Tommy Heavenly 6 and Tommy February 6 are two “characters” Kawase Tomoko has created. Both of these characters look, act, and sing differently, and Tommy Heavenly 6 is her more recent alias. She is also in the popular band Brilliant Green as the lead singer. I’m not sure if I understand the reason for all of this mutiple personality disorder, but I’ll overlook it and focus on the music. Heavy Starry Chain is Tommy February 6’s 8th single released on February 7th, 2007, and its top spot on the Oricon chart was #10. It is a fantastic rock single to put it straight! Although I listen to mostly JPop, it is nice to break away from it once in a while and listen to some creativity, because I mean let’s face it, how many Momusu members have actually wrote a hit single?

My Subjective Score: 9/10
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